What Insurance Policies Protect My Boat/Watercraft from Theft in Nevada, Idaho, and Utah?

If you’re a resident of Nevada, Utah, or Idaho, and you’re the owner of a boat or watercraft, protecting your investment from theft is crucial. In the unfortunate event of your boat or craft being stolen, you don’t want to lose your entire investment. Knowing the right insurance policies that can protect your boat or watercraft from theft in Nevada, Utah, or Idaho is essential, whether you race boats competitively or use jet skis recreationally.

Traditional Boat and Watercraft Insurance

If you reside in the Mapleton, UT region, investing in traditional boat and watercraft insurance is highly recommended, regardless of how the vehicle(s) are used. Boat insurance policies usually offer protection against collisions, accidents, vandalism, property damage, and in many cases, theft.

Theft Coverage

When looking for boat or watercraft insurance, make sure to inquire about any included theft insurance clause as part of your policy. Theft insurance, usually included in a boat or watercraft policy, generally covers the theft of basic components, equipment, electronics, motors, accessories, and more.

Homeowners or Renters Additions

In some cases, you may have the opportunity to invest in an off-premises coverage policy. This will extend your homeowner’s insurance policy to cover any smaller boats and watercraft you may own.

Get Umbrella Insurance

You might also want to consider investing in an umbrella insurance policy for additional liability protection for your boat. Umbrella insurance is a great option if you’re looking to extend the coverage you already have from existing boating or watercraft policies.

If you’re a boat owner living in the Mapleton, UT area, Nevada, or Idaho, investing in the right theft insurance or watercraft policy is important for protecting your investments. Contact Maple Mountain Insurance Services directly today to learn more about the insurance policies available to help protect your boats and watercraft from theft in Idaho, Nevada, and Utah.