3 Tips for Buying Classic Car Insurance in Utah

A classic car insurance policy is as unique as your classic car. It’s not a standard auto insurance policy, but a specialized policy just for your prized classic car. If you don’t currently have classic car insurance in Mapleton, UT, now is the time to get it. Our team at Maple Mountain Insurance Services has put together this list of three tips to help you get started.

1. Work with a Reputable Insurance Agent

The first step to buying classic car insurance is to work with a reputable insurance agent who can explain varying policies, offer guidance, answer questions, and help you find discounts. This agent will be by your side throughout the entire classic car insurance buying process.

2. Compare Several Insurance Quotes

The insurance needs of your classic car may be quite specific. For this reason, it’s a good idea to make a list of what you want to be covered and then compare several quotes with your insurance agent. This will help you find the best policy to match your needs and budget

3. Bundle Your Classic Car Insurance

Consider bundling all of your insurance policies under one carrier for a premium discount. Bundle your auto, life, home, and other insurance policies together for an easy way to save money.

To learn more about purchasing a classic car insurance policy in Mapleton, UT, contact Maple Mountain Insurance Services. Reputable, friendly agents are waiting to take your call. We’ll explain what classic car insurance is, what it covers, and help you get started in selecting the right policy for you. Contact our agents to get started with a quote.

RV Insurance: Don’t Leave Home Without It!

There’s nothing like hitting the road in an RV to explore the natural wonders of Utah. RV insurance from Maple Mountain Insurance Services in Mapleton, UT will ensure you have the protection you need on the road. Before hitting the road in Utah, we recommend you consider the following RV insurance coverage:

  • Liability – Liability RV coverage is mandatory in most states, and Utah is no exception. Utah sets minimum limits on liability insurance to protect other drivers in accidents you cause. Liability coverage helps pay for injuries or property damage to other vehicles if you’re found at fault of an accident. As RVs can cause extensive damage in an accident, you should consider getting more than the bare minimum to protect yourself against serious accidents.
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist – Utah also requires that RV owners obtain uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance to cover damage to their vehicle if they’re hit by someone with insufficient or no insurance coverage.
  • Collision & Comprehensive – Collision coverage pays for repairs to your RV if it’s damaged in a crash. Comprehensive coverage protects you against theft and damage to your RV from non-collision incidents such as fire, hail, or vandalism. Collision and comprehensive coverage are optional but worthwhile to protect your valuable investment. 
  • Roadside Assistance – This coverage comes in handy if you get stranded by the side of the road due to mechanical issues with your RV.
  • Vacation Liability – Vacation liability coverage protects you against accidental injuries visitors may have in your parked vehicle or at your campsite during your vacation. If, for example, a friend gets burned while helping you cook a meal in your RV, vacation liability helps cover his medical costs.

For more information about RV insurance coverage and costs, call or visit Maple Mountain Insurance Services in Mapleton, UT.

Does motorcycle insurance cover your gear?

Motorcycle insurance is required in most states. Your right to legally drive your bike through Utah is, in fact, contingent on your indemnity plan that must include at least $25,000 per person for bodily injury and a minimum $3,000 in personal injury protection. 

Is the state minimum enough, though? What about your gear? Does motorcycle insurance cover the necessities and accessories? The agents at Maple Mountain Insurance Services can help you create the indemnity plan that gives you the protection you need on the road. 

Yes! Motorcycle insurance can cover your protective gear

In addition to purchasing coverage for bodily injury and property damage, you can also buy a motorcycle insurance plan that pays to replace your equipment. This type of insurance comes in handy when you have an accident that ruins your helmet. Your indemnity plan can replace both your bike and the main accessory you need to ride it safely. 

Gear protection also extends to gloves and riding leathers. An agent at Maple Mountain Insurance Services can explain the details of how this insurance feature works in Mapleton, UT. 

What else can you do with motorcycle insurance?

A good motorcycle insurance plan pays for towing and labor costs when your bike breaks down during a road trip. Some indemnity policies even reimburse owners for lodging when they are stranded due to the bike stalling. Such a perk is recognized as trip interruption coverage. 

You may also find that your motorcycle insurance policy covers rental bikes that you use while on vacation. The collision and comprehensive coverage of your policy can pay for the damages to the rental. 

The agents at Maple Mountain Insurance Services can help you find a motorcycle indemnity policy that fits your needs in Mapleton, UT. Call today for a quote!

Is Boat Insurance Crucial in the Winter?

How important is it really to get boat insurance for your boat during the winter? The answer might surprise you, especially if you’re new to owning one in the Mapleton, UT area. A quality insurance company like Maple Mountain Insurance Services can assist you.

Storage Doesn’t Cover It

You may think that your watercraft should be fine during the winter, as long as it’s put away for storage. The truth is not as simple as that. Your boat may be susceptible to receiving damage while it’s in storage. 

It doesn’t matter if your boat is at a marina or in a storage facility. If it’s in an area in which there are storms, like most of the country, these natural disasters can still cause some damage if the facility is hit hard by a storm. If you already have boat insurance, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t cancel it for the season. If you are just about to seek insurance for your boat or even if you already have a policy, you can talk to your provider to find out what options are available for additional protection for the harsh winter months. 

Save a Little Money

It may be possible to save some money during the off-season when you’re not using your boat. This is because only specific coverage may be necessary at those times. These include comprehensive and liability coverage.

If you’re like many people and want to find out how to pay less for insurance, even if just for a short while, reach out to an agent at Maple Mountain Insurance Services, serving the Mapleton, UT area.


Does Umbrella Insurance Cover Liability Associated with a Company Car Accident?

In Mapleton, UT, business owners who offer company cars to their employees must also carry liability coverage on their fleet of vehicles. The agents at Maple Mountain Insurance Services are available to assist local companies in getting the coverage they need to protect their business if an accident occurs. An umbrella policy will go above and beyond monetary limits that a liability policy may have in place.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is designed to cover the cost of replacing another person’s vehicle or property in the event of an accident. Liability coverage must also be in place to cover the other person’s medical bills if they are injured during the accident. Many liability policies have coverage limits of $100,000 or less. In some cases, this may not be adequate to compensate the injured party fully.

Exceeding the Limits of Your Basic Policy

When your actual liability exceeds the limits of your basic policy, an umbrella policy will cover the additional cost. Umbrella policies are designed to protect your business from the financial cost of a devastating accident. By including the extra expense, it prevents you from taking money away from costs to maintain the business and its day to day operations.

If you have questions concerning umbrella insurance and whether it would benefit you to supplement your existing coverage, call the agents of Maple Mountain Insurance Services. We serve businesses throughout the Mapleton, UT area, and can provide you with the answers you are looking for. Don’t wait to make your appointment! Talk to an agent today to make sure your business is fully protected from financial loss. 

What Residents of Utah Need to Know about Flood Insurance

Did you know that as a 30-year homeowner, you are more likely to experience a flood than a fire? Although much of Utah is desert, this state is still susceptible to flooding. However, by knowing what types of hazards are present in Mapleton, UT, you can prepare yourself for a possible flood. Read on to learn more.

Flash Floods

This type of highly dangerous flood occurs in all 50 states, and as a resident of Utah, you should be prepared for this event. Flash floods come fast and furious. They are the result of a substantial amount of rainfall, quickly melting ice, and more, that make bodies of water, such as riverbeds, overflow. If you live near a river, slot canyon, or a dam, a flash flood could engulf your home. You’ll need a particular insurance policy to protect yourself from this kind of flooding.

Faulty Pipes

A burst pipe can result in flooding damage to your home. This gets expensive very quickly. Imagine everything you own sopping wet and ruined. If this were to happen, it’s essential to call in a professional right away to minimize the water damage and immediately make a claim with your insurance company.

Purchase Flood Insurance

The best way to protect yourself against flooding, either by an act of nature, faulty pipes, or a leaking roof, is by acquiring flood insurance. The friendly team at Maple Mountain Insurance Services in Mapleton, UT will go over potential flood hazards for your property and help you find a flood policy to protect you, your family, and your property. Give us a call today with all your questions and concerns. Maple Mountain Insurance Services can be reached right now by phone, email, or come and visit our office to speak with an agent.

How much life insurance is enough

Life insurance is not something that most people are comfortable talking about. It seems morbid but nothing could be farther from the truth. Life insurance is part of financial planning and it is not about death but rather about life. If you live in Mapleton, UT you have the helpful agents at Maple Mountain Insurance Services to help you navigate your way through the mound of information that is available about life insurance. 

When it comes to determining how much life insurance is enough there are a few things that need to be considered. How old you are? Who is dependent on your income? How many years do you need to provide that income for and what long terms debts do you have. 

If you are young and unmarried or no one is dependent on you, you only need enough insurance to cover any gap there might be between your savings and assets and what debt and final expenses you might have. 

If you have a wife and children, their ages and your income are deciding factors. For how many years do you want to replace your income? If you want to replace it for 10 years then multiply your income by 10 and then add $100,000 for the college education of each of your children. While this is not an exact science, it will at least provide a reasonable place to start your planning. You want to make sure that your family will be able to maintain the life they have now, even if you are gone. 

At Maple Mountain Insurance Services in Mapleton, UT we will be happy to discuss your life insurance needs with you. Why not stop by our office or give us a call, you will be glad you did. 

Why You Need to Learn Your Auto Insurance Responsibilities

Most drivers in the Mapleton, UT area are very aware that they need to have auto insurance whenever they are behind the wheel. However, it can be difficult to fully understand what your auto insurance responsibilities are. There are many reasons why it is very important that you understand what exactly your insurance needs and responsibilities are.

Ensures Compliance 

One of the main reasons why you need to fully understand what your auto insurance needs are is because it will help to ensure you stay in compliance with the law. When you have a car you will need to comply with state laws as well as your loan or lease agreements.  If you don’t know what these requirements are, you could face a variety of penalties including being in loan default or even losing your driving privileges.

Asset Protection 

Additionally, it is important that you understand what your responsibilities are when it comes to auto insurance because it will help to protect your assets. If you have a car that you invested a lot of money in, you will want to make sure that you have the right type of insurance to protect this vehicle and investment. When you know what type of insurance you need, you will be able to select and build a policy that will properly protect you and your vehicle.

For people that are in the Mapleton, UT area, it is clearly very important to understand your auto insurance responsibilities. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to know exactly what type of insurance you should get. Because of this, it would be a good idea to reach out to Maple Mountain Insurance Services to further discuss your options and needs. The professionals at Maple Mountain Insurance Services are very knowledgeable about this type of insurance and can help get you into the right policy. 

3 Tips for Buying Commercial Insurance in Mapleton, UT

Many rewards come with owning a business in Mapleton, UT. You set your own schedule, you live out your dream, and you have something to pass down to family members. For these reasons, it’s important to protect this valuable asset with a comprehensive commercial insurance policy. At Maple Mountain Insurance Services, we’ve put together three tips that will help you find the right commercial insurance policy for a price you can afford. Read on to learn more.

1. Compare Several Quotes

You’re business is unique. It’s something you’ve created yourself and, therefore, it has its own needs for protection. This is why it’s important to compare several commercial insurance quotes before deciding on the right one. Each quote will be different and an insurance agent will help you identify the differences and determine which policy is right for your business.

2. Bundle Your Insurance Policies

You probably have many other insurance policies, such as life insurance, auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and umbrella insurance, that you can bundle along with a new commercial insurance policy to save money on your premiums. You can opt to stick with your current insurance carrier or create new policies with a different company to get maximum savings.

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

A trusted and reputable insurance agent will help you find the coverage your business requires. They will answer all your questions and concerns, help you compare quotes, and find the right insurance carrier to bundle your policies under.

To learn more about purchasing commercial insurance in Mapleton, UT, contact the team at Maple Mountain Insurance Services who serve this area. Our agents are standing by to help you find the right policy for your business needs.

Spring Home Improvement Projects Should Be Covered by Homeowners’ Insurance

Are you considering having some repairs done on your house this Spring? Many home improvement tasks are conducted in the Springtime, and for good reason. If you’re getting ready to take on these large projects, be sure that you look into if it will be covered by your homeowners’ insurance in Mapleton, UT.

What You Need in Your Insurance Policy for Home Improvement

Whether you’re planning on remodeling your entire kitchen or putting on a new roof, you should know beforehand if damages occurring during such work are included in your insurance policy. You do not want to be stuck paying for it entirely out-of-pocket if an unfortunate issue should arise. 

The following are some key points you should keep in mind for your home improvement:

Discuss additional coverage with your agent

This is a crucial step when first getting homeowners’ insurance, but you can go back and make changes to your existing policy. 

Determine if your contractor is insured 

It also is a good idea that any contractor who undertakes your home projects be insured. If the contractor or any of their employees is injured while working on your home, this will pay for their medical bills and more having to do with the injuries. Ask to see his or her certificate of insurance before any work gets underway. 

Talk to your agent about getting insurance to replacement cost value

Many people neglect to include this in their home insurance policy. This will help you cover your losses if any major damages occur. Though it may seem mind-boggling to you, your insurance agent will be able to figure out the amount you need covered in such a policy. 

Reach out and contact us at Maple Mountain Insurance Services today. We offer services for setting up homeowners’ insurance and are willing to go above and beyond to assist all homeowners. We serve the greater Mapleton, UT area and can help determine insurance needs for any circumstances.