Does Flood Insurance Cover Contents?

Utah may not seem like a state with a significant risk of flooding, but it can certainly happen here. Starting in 1996, more than 900 floods were reported during a 21-year period. When you live in an area at risk of flooding like Mapleton, UT, it’s crucial to know if insurance covers the contents of your home.

What’s Covered?

Some flood insurance policies only cover buildings. Others protect belongings or both the contents and the structure. If you have content coverage, it generally insures things like furnishings, small appliances, electronics, curtains, and clothes. It also covers laundry appliances and certain types of carpeting. Various limits or deductibles may apply.

A building-only flood policy typically covers some items you might consider content. They include dishwashers, refrigerators, water heaters, most stoves, permanent carpeting, blinds, and installed bookshelves. It insures most HVAC equipment as well. However, movable air conditioners are covered under content policies. On the other hand, tanks that contain fuel or water are generally protected by building flood insurance.

Basement Coverage

Due to the higher level of risk, insurers normally provide less coverage of rooms located wholly or partially underground. Generally, a contents policy excludes the storage of belongings in cellars. It usually covers basement items attached to power sources, such as chest freezers, laundry appliances, and air conditioners. The policy won’t protect the furniture or a spare TV set you store in your basement.

Mapleton, UT, residents can rely on Maple Mountain Insurance Services to help them find the ideal flood coverage for their homes and belongings. Our experienced staff will take the time to learn about your needs and identify a policy that meets them. To request a quote or further information, please call 801-396-3900 to reach Maple Mountain Insurance Services today.